The Washington Post 
Are we dating the same guy? Facebook groups offer intel but upend lives.
Some users say the dating forums cause more harm than good
Brain Implant: Do dose brain implants change your personality?​
The Washington Post
Need a new monitor for your computer? you can wear one on your face.
Science Fiction World
Cover for Connie Wills short novel collecion, Chinese version
Popular Science

‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future
In the year 2030, will 'we the people' benefit from our data?

A sci-fi vision published in partnership with Simply Secure, Consumer Reports, and the Mozilla Foundation.
CRISPR: Can genetic engineering bring us a unicorn?
Popular Science

‘Home@Heart,’ a short story from an alternate future. House owner sells his family data to data company in exchange for down payments now living under monitors control. 
Popular Science

‘The Memory of Tomatoes,’ a short story from an alternate future. A mother suffered with Alzheimer recall her daughter by downloading her past memory stored in the cloud. 
Pan Macmillan 
Cover for Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho.


Sustainable fashion # Plant for Planet #
Science Fiction World
Cover for Shrike and Thorns, a story about time travel and assassination.
Sustainable fashion 
# Plant for Planet #
Do not go gentle into that good night
 Inspired by the movie Interstellar, 2014
City Zine, The Copied Lover
Virtual substitutes and intimate relationships.
The Washington Post-Real Estate 
Pocket listing: Competition is getting nasty.
Wajijiwa Entertainment
Illustrated poster for the song "Plain Theater".
Olympic figure sketches
Olympic figure sketches

Sex in the Sea
Book cover and end paper design.

Sex in the Sea
Book cover and end paper design.

RED Magazine
Cover for Red Magazine Female Thinker Issue
RED Magazine
Interiors for Red Magazine Female Thinker Issue
Mantis cannibalism